Melbourne Theatre Company

“Self Service has dramatically increased the efficiency of our HR team. The software is easy to use, providing our staff with quick access to their leave and superannuation information.”
Julia Godinho, Payroll Administration, MTC
Melbourne Theatre Company (MTC) is one of the major performing arts companies in Australia and one of the largest theatre companies in the English-speaking world. Founded in 1953, MTC is the oldest professional theatre company in Australia, producing an annual mainstage season of up to 12 plays, the Cybec Electric play readings series and an annual Education program.
With a large and mobile workforce, MTC employs high volumes of staff during peak times. Staff reported that they found it difficult to access their personal data and managers could not access basic team information, such as leave balances. Simple processes such as leave approvals and timesheet requests were cumbersome, resulting in inefficient payroll processing and general disengagement by employees.
MTC identified that they required a cost-effective solution for employee self service that could automatically integrate with payroll. The solution had to be user-friendly and enable remote access for staff and managers. MTC also needed a means by which employees could capture hours worked for approval and subsequent interpretation by payroll.
The Frontier Software solution of payroll and self service offered the perfect solution. The intuitive self service module enabled staff and management to access personal and team data online. Security profiles enabled MTC to determine the access granted to their managers and employees and the tasks each could complete. Leave transactions could be easily submitted and approved with seamless data flows to payroll for processing. The resulting payroll processing efficiencies drove higher levels of employee engagement, further embedding the solution as an essential tool for all employees.

Industry sector: Performing Arts
Customer since: 2015
Headcount: 250 employees
Delivery method: On-premise
Solution: Payroll, Self-service
Country: Australia