3 Nov 2021
HRMS, HRIS, HCM, HR… there are many different acronyms for the software applications used to manage human resources and the many related processes that are undertaken throughout the employee lifecycle. Regardless of which one is used in your organisation, there is one fact that will apply to them all, at some point. The software will come to the end of its useful life or, out of the blue, the provider gives notice to withdraw support.
At this point, the HR team is faced with the challenge of what to do next. Should they continue with what could be an inefficient, outdated or unsupported application or return to the market and look for a replacement? And, with a very crowded HR software application market, that task can look very daunting. But, then comes the fun part – the system “wish list”.
The requirements specification that contains everything you would like the new system to do and much more, including those items that you know your budget may not stretch to. Replacing a legacy system, without planning ahead and documenting requirements, is likely to result in an implementation project that doesn’t give you the desired results or the improvements you are keen to enjoy. No matter how many elements of the HR application suite you are looking for, from Recruitment and Onboarding to Termination, there are a number of considerations that should be taken into account.
As an experienced HR solution provider, Frontier Software shares a few thoughts to get you started on your system replacement wish list.
- All modules seamlessly integrated with fewer clicks to get you where you need to be
- A date based view of employee information helping to ensure details are accurate, easy to manage and available in real time
- Improve reporting accuracy and availability, to support planning, budgeting and compliance
- Reports with XML capability and generated in many different formats including HTML, PDF, XLX and CSV
- Allow the adoption of new, modern ways of working rather than adapting existing processes (especially those not fit for purpose)
- Highly configurable by the end user without the need (or cost) of consultancy from the provider
- Include easy to use, self-service tools that support day-to-day needs, empower employees to deliver results and enable leaders to manage their people and teams
- Easily available on all the latest technologies, in particular Smartphones, with no compromises on security
- Alerts, triggers and notifications with direct links to the required action and associated approval workflows
- Make it quicker, easier and safer to share data with other business applications to maintain accuracy and save money
- Plain English user help alongside manuals, training and support
- A partnership with a provider that will understand your vision, support on-going development and deliver on expectations
A requirements specification can run to many pages, but make sure you have your key needs, the “must haves” documented first. There is no perfect solution and HR software that ticks many of the “desirable” wish list requirements, but doesn’t address your existing pain points, will soon lose its sparkle no matter how shiny and new the user interface.
Article originally published on HR Grapevine November 2021.